Cover: ASEAN and Regional Actors in the Indo-Pacific
Chosein Yamahata
ASEAN and Regional Actors in the Indo-Pacific
ISBN: 978-9-819-94020-2
296 Seiten | €
E-Book [Kindle]
Chosein Yamahata

ASEAN and Regional Actors in the Indo-Pacific

This book discusses the shifting regional geopolitical engagements and development of rearranged connections emerging among ASEAN and non-ASEAN actors.First, the book focuses on the crucial discourse surrounding the Indo-Pacific region, including its challenges, continuity, and relevance. The discussion highlights the growing influence of regional actors such as India, Thailand, Japan, and the US, particularly in the context of a pressing question of collaboration versus containment amidst China’s rise. The book delves into various topics, such as geopolitical anxieties, economic strength, foreign policy, international relations, development, and security promotion in South and Southeast Asia, through the lenses of ASEAN centrality and the Indo-Pacific strategy.Second, the volume emphasizes on the escalating tensions and the worsening crises in the region that cause major anxieties and the subsequent realignment and new alignment of countries’ relationships. Among several chapters of the volume, a large Indo-China state, Myanmar, takes a special place in the book’s discussions as it has grown as an important ground for a resource/energy race among geopolitically strategic partners. Additionally, Myanmar has the potential to become a balancer in ASEAN. Therefore, any positive development and change in course of relations to Myanmar, particularly with its neighbors, Japan, and Russia, in both historical and contemporary contexts, can have a significant impact not only on Myanmar’s course towards peace, democracy, and security, but also regional stability. The editors and contributors examine the unique position of ASEAN, with a focus on ASEAN centrality as a platform for addressing anxieties and building relationships to bridge the gap between world and regional players, including both friends and foes.Overall, the volume provides valuable insights into the Indo-Pacific region’s complex dynamics, including cooperation and collaboration among regional actors for long-term stability and prosperity. The interdisciplinary composition of the book invites readers from various backgrounds to engage with constructive debates on general perception, contextual discussion, and the highlights of engaged research from local and international perspectives.

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Veröffentlichung: 13.09.2023
Seiten 296
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
ISBN-13 978-9-819-94020-2

Über den Autor

Chosein Yamahata is a Professor at the Graduate School of Policy Studies, Aichi Gakuin University, Japan. He is the coordinator of the Academic Diplomacy Project and co-edited Rights and Security in India, Myanmar and Thailand (2020). Dr. Yamahata is also a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Mass Communication at Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Donald M. Seekins is an Emeritus Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at Meio University, Japan. He is the author of Burma and Japan since 1940 (2007); State and Society in Modern Rangoon (2011) and The Historical Dictionary of Burma (2017). Dr. Seekins is co-founder of Burma Review and Challenges International Forum (BRACIF) and the Aunfair-Euro Roundtable (EAR).

Makiko Takeda is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Policy Studies, Aichi Gakuin University, Japan. She is the convener of the Asian University Network Forum on Advances in Research (AUNFAIR) and Thailand-India-Japan Conclave (TIJC). Dr. Takeda is the author of Women, Children and Social Transformation in Myanmar (2020).

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