Cover: Asian Civilization and Asian Development
Linggui Wang
Asian Civilization and Asian Development
ISBN: 978-9-811-99833-1
234 Seiten | €
E-Book [Kindle]
Linggui Wang

Asian Civilization and Asian Development

This book focuses on the dialogues to improve the communication among Asian countries, which is contributed by world-wide experts from think-tanks, academia and governments. In this book, it involves the topics of Connotation and Evolution of Asian Civilization, Exchanges and Mutual Learning of Asian Civilization, Asian Civilization and Asian Development, Opportunities and Challenges Faced with Asian Civilization, etc.

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Veröffentlichung: 03.07.2023
Seiten 234
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
ISBN-13 978-9-811-99833-1
ISBN-10 9811998337

Über den Autor

Linggui Wang, Senior Research Fellow, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS), Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of National Top Think Tank, CASS.

Jianglin Zhao, Senior Research Fellow, Executive Vice Secretary-General of the Board of Directors, National Top Think Tank, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS).

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