Cover: Australia in AUKUS
Erik Paul
Australia in AUKUS
- Rise of a Leviathan State
ISBN: 978-9-819-72724-7
135 Seiten | € 42.79
Erik Paul

Australia in AUKUS

Rise of a Leviathan State

This book focuses on the making and implication of AUKUS for Australians in their relations with their own state and governance, the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world. AUKUS is an incipient military state and a highly dangerous development, moving rapidly to integrate society, the state and the economy in the US imperial project of warfare and global domination. It constitutes the crucible of a Leviathan state, militarising climate change. The study in this book is framed in a geopolitical analytical paradigm of revolutionary and counterrevolutionary movement and power energising together the existential threat of climate change to humans and capitalism, questioning the viability of the nation-state system, highlighting the predicament confronting Australians as a nation. The book’s analysis is presented in four chapters, broadly indicated in the contents page. The book’s architecture is framed in the political philosophy and intellectual legacy of Eric Hobsbawm, Rosa Luxemburg and George Orwell and their contribution to the understanding of the contradictions of the nation-state and imperialism, capitalism and socialism, in the emancipation of humanity from war.

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Veröffentlichung: 13.05.2024
Seiten 135
Art des Mediums E-Book
Preis DE EUR 42.79
ISBN-13 978-9-819-72724-7

Über den Autor

Erik Paul (BA, MA Minn; PhD UC Berkeley) is at the University of Sydney. His research focuses on Australia’s relations with the Asia-Pacific region and issues of global governance, and regional and world peace. His latest books include Australia in the Expanding Global Crisis (2020) and Australian Imperialism (2021)

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