Cover: Branding Bangladesh
Imtiaz A. Hussain
Branding Bangladesh
- From ‘Bottomless Pit’ to a ‘Middle Income’ Country
ISBN: 978-9-811-97194-5
163 Seiten | € 42.79
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Imtiaz A. Hussain

Branding Bangladesh

From ‘Bottomless Pit’ to a ‘Middle Income’ Country

This book explores Bangladesh's shift from a 'bottomless pit' into a 'middle-income' category. Six chapters in the book cover topics on microfinance growth, ready-made garment production, and social safety net programs playing pivotal roles particularly for women empowerment. In doing so, the book shows that the net effect was not just a change to the country's limited number of representative brands, but also a realization of many more brands to have built up over time.

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Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / -
Seiten 163
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 42.79
Preis AT EUR 43.99
ISBN-13 978-9-811-97194-5
ISBN-10 9811971943

Über den Autor

A Professor of Global Studies & Governance, at Independent University, Bangladesh, Imtiaz A. Hussain previously worked in Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City (1995-2013) and Philadelphia University (1990-94). His books include: Glocal-Local Tradeoffs (2022); Rohingya Camp Narratives (2022); Transatlantic Transitions (2018), North American Regionalism and Global Spread (2015); Evaluating NAFTA (2013); Border Governance and the ‘Unruly’ South (2013); North America’s Soft Security Threat (2013), Afghanistan-Iraq and Post-conflict Governance (2010); Impact of NAFTA on North America (2010); North American Homeland Security (2008); Running on Empty Across Central America (2006), and Globalization, Indigenous Groups, and Mexico’s Plan Puebla Plan (2006). His articles can be found in Handbook of Global Security and Intelligence (2008), South Asian Survey (2008), Politics & Policy (2008), Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (2006), and Norteamérica (2006). A recipient of over 12 international fellowships and 8 teaching awards, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1989.

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