Cover: Childhood 6.7
Michael Hüter
Childhood 6.7
- A History of Family Socialization and the Education and Schooling of the Human Being
ISBN: 978-3-200-08350-9
472 Seiten | € 26.90
Buch [BA]
Michael Hüter

Childhood 6.7

A History of Family Socialization and the Education and Schooling of the Human Being

CHILDHOOD 6.7, drawing on extensive, thorough and multi-year research, ist a story of childhood and at the same time a critique of civilization. It is a passionate plea and manifesto for children to once again be allowed to grow up humanely and "species-appropriately", for a new appreciation of family socialization and for complete freedom of education.

"Finally a book that brings together a wealth of arguments in such a well-founded way - the whole to demonstrate that our education system cannot go on as before. Hopefully, it will soon become reguired reading for all those responsible for child rearing and education, and favorite reading for paarents."

Gerald Hüther, neurobiologist, bestselling author

"Childhood 6.7" is a masterpiece that not 'only' conveys a wealth of researched realities but that also enriches them with insightful interpretations..."

Hans-Joachim Maaz, psychoanalyst, bestselling author

The original German edition of the book was first published in 2018 under the title "Kindheit 6.7". It is a bestseller in Germany since Nov. 2018.

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Original Titel Kindheit 6.7
Veröffentlichung: 02.05.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 22 cm / B 14,8 cm / 670 g
Seiten 472
Art des Mediums Buch [BA]
Preis DE EUR 26.90
Preis AT EUR 27.70
ISBN-13 978-3-200-08350-9
ISBN-10 3200083506

Über den Autor

Michael Hüter is a historian (childhood researcher), publisher, author and pianist. He studied history, German literature, philosophy and art history at the University of Salzburg in the 1990s. He is a father of three children. For more information, visit

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