Cover: China’s Technology War
Andrew Collier
China’s Technology War
- Why Beijing Took Down Its Tech Giants
ISBN: 978-9-811-93042-3
122 Seiten | € 42.79
E-Book [Kindle]
Andrew Collier

China’s Technology War

Why Beijing Took Down Its Tech Giants

This book is a short history of the Chinese crackdown on the country’s large technology firms that began in 2020.  The book discusses the political and economic context, and outlines the limitations on the power of the state. As the policies of 'common prosperity' continue to develop, this book will be an invaluable reference for economists studying either China, the internet and big tech, or both.

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Veröffentlichung: 08.07.2022
Seiten 122
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 42.79
ISBN-13 978-9-811-93042-3
ISBN-10 9811930422

Über den Autor

Andrew Collier has published two books with Palgrave, Shadow Banking and the Rise of Capitalism in China, and China Buys the World. Previously the President of the Bank of China International USA, which is the BOC’s United States investment bank, Andrew currently is an analyst with Global Source Partners conducting research on China’s economy.

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