Cover: Company 4 You & Me
Dominik Mikulaschek
Company 4 You & Me
- Building a successful business step by step
ISBN: 978-3-347-67191-1
292 Seiten | € 19.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Dominik Mikulaschek

Company 4 You & Me

Building a successful business step by step

Is it possible to describe in a book a universal, industry-independent step-by-step guide that anyone can practically implement in times of digitalization? In this book, you will find the answers to what the essential universal structures, processes and content for business success are and how you need to build them up, step by step in detail, in order to build up a successful company with a high probability. Beginning with the company idea to a highly automated company, you will find all the necessary information. It is an attempt to democratize business success and to provide all people interested in building a successful business with this information in as concrete and condensed a way as possible. No matter what level of business development you are at, you can start from scratch with this book, but of course you can also re-evaluate your existing business as a whole and continue to work from where you currently are with your business. This book is intended as a long-term business companion for future or existing CEOs and is suitable for start-ups, small businesses and SMEs. It serves as an industry-independent foundation for learning to fundamentally understand business success, but also as a concrete workbook for building a successful business step by step or helping an existing business to be more successful.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 22 cm / B 17 cm / 510 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 19.90
Preis ATEUR 19.90

Über den Autor

Dominik Mikulaschek, geboren 1983, studierte Theater-, Film-, und Medienwissenschaften in Wien und lebt als Autor und Unternehmer in Linz. Er ist der Gründer und Besitzer der Unternehmensberatungs- und Digitalisierungs-Agentur: »Company 4 You & Me -« und weiterer Unternehmen, wie z.B. der Erklärvideo-Agentur: »explain it simple –« und dem Hochzeitsportal: »Hochzeit selber planen -« und ist an weiteren Unternehmen beteiligt, wie z.B. »Wohnrech-ner Online –«.

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