Cover: Corporate Approaches to Sustainable Development
Isabel B. Franco
Corporate Approaches to Sustainable Development
- International Experiences and Insights
ISBN: 978-9-811-66421-2
274 Seiten | € 128.39
E-Book [Kindle]
Isabel B. Franco

Corporate Approaches to Sustainable Development

International Experiences and Insights

This book aims to answer the question: how can the industry action international approaches to corporate sustainability, ultimately achieving sustainable development and overall sustainability? With this question in mind, this manuscript examines how the industry, through existing approaches to corporate sustainability, contribute to addressing conflicting demands emerging from the achievement of sustainable development in a responsible, sustainable and innovative manner. It also reviews alternative models of corporate sustainability that contribute to achieving inclusive, sustainable development globally. Chapters 2 to 4 discuss emerging approaches to corporate sustainability. Chapters 5 to 11 examine the role that the extractive industry (mining and oil) could play in the delivery of sustainable solutions for the communities and environment in selected cases, in the Americas and Africa. Lastly, the manuscript showcases international corporate sustainability and climate change practices in the forestry, agriculture, tourism and manufacturing industries within the context of Asia and The Pacific region, particularly, Nepal and Bangladesh. 

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Veröffentlichung: 01.03.2022
Seiten 274
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 128.39
Reihe Science for Sustainable Societies
ISBN-13 978-9-811-66421-2
ISBN-10 9811664218

Über den Autor

Isabel B. Franco, MBA, MA, PhD, is an international leader in sustainable development interested in exploring the role of the industry in fostering overall sustainability. Having worked across multiple industries, namely, extractives, gemstones, fashion, finance and banking, manufacturing, tourism, public sector, international development and higher education, she has conducted impact research in five continents and +20 countries. With Postdoctoral Studies from the United Nations University – Institute for the Advanced Studies of Sustainability, Dr. Franco’s impact research has contributed to evidence-based decision-making at various international organisations, such as, UNDP, UNESCAP, UNU and British Council where she has also held advisory positions on large multilingual, cross-regional, cross-sectoral projects on sustainable development and sustainability science. Awardee of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship (JSPS), she holds academic affiliations to the Australian Institute for Business and Economics (AIBE), The University of Queensland (Australia); Earth System Governance, Utrecht University (Netherlands); Editor at Sustainability Science Scientific Journal. Founder of the global network Exceptional Women in Sustainability, her work can be consulted at 

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