Cover: Economic and Social Policies in Austria from the Perspective of Hungary, 1945-2020
Pál Bődy
Economic and Social Policies in Austria from the Perspective of Hungary, 1945-2020
ISBN: 978-3-643-96243-0
140 Seiten | € 29.90
Digital [Kindle]
Pál Bődy

Economic and Social Policies in Austria from the Perspective of Hungary, 1945-2020


The present study examines the question how the Austrian experience made and continues to make an impact on the economic “catch-up” policies of Hungary and other neighboring states. The author gives special attention to the social-economic transformation of Austria leading to EU-membership and advanced R& D; policies, then presents the conceptions of Hungarian economists and commentators on reaching the economic standards of Austria. He also discusses the parallel experiences of Finland.Pál Bődy, Ph. D. in History (University of Notre Dame). He is a retired Associate Professor of Regional Economics (University of Miskolc, Hungary).

Bődy, Pál

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Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14 cm / -
Seiten 140
Art des Mediums Digital [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 29.90
Preis AT EUR 29.90
Reihe Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft - Wirtschaft 8
ISBN-13 978-3-643-96243-0
ISBN-10 3643962436

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