Cover: European Union and Albanian Legitimacy. The diplomatic journey toward integration and accession
Lorenca Bejko
European Union and Albanian Legitimacy. The diplomatic journey toward integration and accession
ISBN: 978-3-346-81087-8
0 Seiten | € 39.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Lorenca Bejko

European Union and Albanian Legitimacy. The diplomatic journey toward integration and accession

Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2021 in the subject Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: Cumma Sum Laude, , course: Diplomacy, language: English, abstract: The aim of this research is to develop a visceral understanding of the politics behavior of Albanian state toward the approval and the complex road of Entering the European Union. To come across comparison of Albania with developed member countries in European Union to for a better contemporary equality drive adopted by modern nations. All the research is proposed to be conducted within the normal period of 3–4 years full time study. The proposed research is planned to be library-based with key resources such as legal/political agreement reports, theoretical quantitative data collected via cases, journal articles but expanded into other sources such as governmental institutions, courts and socio-legal statistics centers based in political studies.

Its aim is to be combined with empirical data such as interviews of governmental representative different academics, politicians, public relations specialists from European Union, EU council, Albanian Government and such. There have been evidences of corruption, drugs, human trafficking and poverty that are strong indicators of the slow progress of Albanian state into the European Union integration and conducting statistical research into those categories will shed light in so many unanswered questions. An analysis focused into rules in books, rules in European Law approach versus EU law in action combined with a critical doctrinal overview focused mainly in deployment of techniques such as literary criticism and political perspectives.

Bejko, Lorenca
GRIN Verlag

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Veröffentlichung: 13.02.2023
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 39.99
ISBN-13 978-3-346-81087-8
ISBN-10 3346810879

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