Cover: (De)forming women in Latin literature
Stanley J. Bass
(De)forming women in Latin literature
ISBN: 978-3-384-21598-7
245 Seiten | € 15.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Stanley J. Bass

(De)forming women in Latin literature

The question at the root of this study is why the political formation of state power in Latin America always seems to be accompanied by violence against women. Two threads run throughout: an analysis of the relation between image, violence, and subject formation; and the application of this theory to the political violence exerted upon feminine subjectivity in relation to state formation in Latin America. I trace the marginalization of women through experimental dictatorial fiction of the Southern Cone up to the crisis of femicide that has emerged alongside the so-called narco-state in Mexico in the wake of NAFTA. I argue that Latin American feminist thought has sought to articulate itself as a post-hegemonic force of interruption from within the dominant order, a project that is problematized in the face of the perverse seriality of the femicide crimes and the intolerable yet enigmatic power of which they become a forced representation.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 22 cm / B 15,5 cm / 393 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 15.00
Preis ATEUR 15.00

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