Cover: India’s Eurasian Alternatives in an Era of Connectivity
Anita Sengupta
India’s Eurasian Alternatives in an Era of Connectivity
- Historic Connects and New Corridors
ISBN: 978-9-819-70236-7
276 Seiten | € 117.69
E-Book [Kindle]
Anita Sengupta

India’s Eurasian Alternatives in an Era of Connectivity

Historic Connects and New Corridors

The volume examines how in the twenty-first century narratives built around connectivity have become a structural component of international politics expanding into a wider array of policy fields i It examines the significance of this emerging narrative from an Indian perspective with particular reference to Eurasian alternatives. It argues that this represents the next stage of globalization and that an understanding of this is increasingly becoming crucial given the recent disruptions along with the emergence of a spate of new policies and institutions that could eventually lead to a new understanding of connectivity.

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Veröffentlichung: 15.03.2024
Seiten 276
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 117.69
Reihe Europe-Asia Connectivity
ISBN-13 978-9-819-70236-7

Über den Autor

Anita Sengupta is an area studies specialist engaged with the study of the Eurasian region. Her areas of interest include issues of identity politics, migration, gender, borders, critical geopolitics and logistics. She is a regular commentator on debates on Asian affairs. She has been Fellow, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata, Senior Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi and Director, Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata. She is currently Director, Asia in Global Affairs, Kolkata.

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