Cover: National Power and International Geostructure
Daniel Morales Ruvalcaba
National Power and International Geostructure
ISBN: 978-9-819-71180-2
300 Seiten | € 128.39
E-Book [Kindle]
Daniel Morales Ruvalcaba

National Power and International Geostructure

This book addresses three innovative aspects for the study of International Relations: first, proposes a novel theoretical-methodological framework for the study of national power, and based on this, a quantitative analysis technique is formulated that allows us to study the evolution of state power over almost five decades. Second, states play a fundamental role in the international system, which is why the study of their roles in the world cannot be limited to old, insufficient, and contradictory categorizations.

Having new categories of states becomes an even more urgent task in the rapidly changing international order than it is today. This book proposes nine categories of powers and states that cover all the countries that currently exist. Third, the international geostructure of world power is proposed, which represents a new theoretical notion that helps to explain how the international insertion of states and their possibilities of action are conditioned by the unequal distribution of national power and by their structural positioning in the international system.

This book is for all students of International Relations, academics, and people who want to understand national power as a fundamental factor in relations between countries.

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Veröffentlichung: 18.04.2024
Seiten 300
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 128.39
Reihe Contributions to International Relations
ISBN-13 978-9-819-71180-2

Über den Autor

Daniel Morales Ruvalcaba is Associate Professor at the Center for Latin American Studies at Sun Yat-sen University (China) and Member of the National System of Researchers (Mexico). He has worked as Professor at universities in Latin America, Europe, and Asia and has carried out research stays at the Universidad de La República (Uruguay), Sciences Po (France), and the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Poland). He has been evaluator of post-doctoral fellowships for the Mexican government and a reviewer of scientific articles, is currently member of the editorial committee of several scientific journals and is creator of the World Power Index.

Alberto Rocha Valencia served as Director of the Institute of Economic and Social Research at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Peru) and played a pivotal role in establishing the Master's Degree in Political Science and Public Administration and the Doctorate in Social Sciences at the Universidad de Colima (Mexico). Currently is a Senior Research Professor C at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), he leads the Consolidated Academic Group "Integration, Governance, and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean." As a distinguished member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico, he actively contributes to various research networks and editorial boards


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