Cover: Principle of Interest Politics
Puqu Wang
Principle of Interest Politics
- Logic of Political Life from China’s Perspective
ISBN: 978-9-811-93962-4
540 Seiten | € 149.79
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Puqu Wang

Principle of Interest Politics

Logic of Political Life from China’s Perspective

The book aims to build a political theory of interest politics by adopting an interest-analyzing approach of Marxism to explore the dual characteristics of social interests. Based on the logical start-point, the book unveils the foundations, nature, and characteristics of social-political life such as political power and political right. Then, a systematic research is conducted from perspectives of political behavior, political system, and political culture, following the two logical thread lines as political power and right. Finally, the book sees the analysis of social and political development in accordance with the inter-function of political power and political rights caused by the changes and development of social interests. It is a must-read book for readers interested in the political theory and political development in China.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 23,5 cm / B 15,5 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 149.79
Preis ATEUR 153.99
ReiheInterests Politics Series

Über den Autor

Professor Wang Puqu is Director-General at Institute of State Governance Studies, Changjiang Distinguished Professor at the School of Government, Peking University, China. He holds a doctorate from the Peking University and enjoys special allowance from the State Council. Professor Wang was Vice President, respectively, of Chinese Association of Political Science as well as Vice Chairman of the Chinese Public Administration Society. Professor Wang’s research focuses on theory and methods of politics, and the government economics. Some of his publications include “The Founding of Politics,” “Political Reality and Political Awareness,” and “Government Functions in Economic Structural Transformation.”

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