Cover: Prosperity and Economic Growth without Regrets
Jean / Dripke Pütz
Prosperity and Economic Growth without Regrets
- Climate Rescue Yes - Deindustrialization No
ISBN: 978-3-986-74105-1
0 Seiten | € 18.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Jean / Dripke Pütz

Prosperity and Economic Growth without Regrets

Climate Rescue Yes - Deindustrialization No

Jean Pütz has a special concern with this book. He wants to make a significant contribution to saving the climate without jeopardizing the industry and thus the prosperity of the population. To this end, he relies on concepts outside the mainstream. The science journalist speaks plainly - as his audience of millions is used to from his television programs and social media. He doesn't care about "political correctness". He classifies many measures propagated by politicians as populist and strictly rejects them because they do not lead to the desired goal.

But he does not stop at criticism. Page by page, he outlines concrete ways to get out of the energy mess and back on track. He has the whole world in mind and provides global answers to the climate and energy issues of our time because only a global approach can lead to the goal.

He pulls a regenerative energy source "like a rabbit out of a hat" that can find worldwide acceptance and replace coal, oil and natural gas. His credo is: It's about defossilization, less about decarbonization.

As a co-author, he has enlisted the well-known economic journalist Andreas Dripke - a successful symbiosis following the motto "1+1 is more than 2".

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Über den Autor

Jean Pütz is one of Germany's most renowned science journalists. Throughout his career, he has always been committed to making scientific topics accessible to the general public. With his ability to explain difficult topics in an easily understandable way, he has made a significant contribution to promoting interest in and understanding of science and technology in society.

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