Cover: Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage
Katrin Meyer
Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage
- Critical Feminist Interventions
ISBN: 978-3-037-77289-8
264 Seiten | € 38.00
Buch [BA]
Katrin Meyer

Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage

Critical Feminist Interventions

This anthology addresses the current understanding of democracy from a feminist, intersectional and transnational perspective with a particular focus on the relevance of women’s suffrage in Switzerland since 1971, and analyses challenges for women’s political participation worldwide. It points to the significance of memory politics, political struggles and discourses on citizenship and human rights that shape democracies today. Furthermore, it examines how digitalization affects women's democratic participation, exploring both the opportunities it opens up and the barriers it may create, while also expanding the concept of democracy beyond traditional state institutions.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 15,5 cm / B 22,5 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [BA]
Preis DEEUR 38.00
Preis ATEUR 39.10
ReiheGender Issues

Über die Autorin

Katrin Meyer is titular professor of Philosophy at the University of Basel and senior lecturer in Gender Studies at the University of Zurich. She works on theories of radical democracy and republicanism from a feminist perspective as well as on critical theories of power, intersectionality, and security.

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