Cover: Shaking Things Up
Michael Haas
Shaking Things Up
- How Donald Trump Changed the Government in Washington
ISBN: 978-1-433-19871-7
476 Seiten | € 102.95
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Michael Haas

Shaking Things Up

How Donald Trump Changed the Government in Washington

Donald Trump, as president, sought to undermine fundamental norms and principles of American government, institutionalizing bigotry, and therefore damaged American society. Details are provided on how he carried out a racist and sexist agenda, endangered the lives of LGBQTs, terrorized immigrants, allowed exploitation of the environment, endangered public health and the lives of seniors, and tried to abolish the social safety net, while trying to construct an economic oligarchy around him and building a personal praetorian guard. To explain what he did, the book provides a unique window into how agencies of federal government work, their programs, and what he did to reverse decades of social development of the American people.

"This richly detailed and accessible book is a report card on the Trump presidential era, and the grades are not good. Covering ten major areas from homophobia to immigration, this thoughtful report gives a dismal assessment of how society was shaken up, and casts a dark cloud on Trumpism’s continuing influence. This is must reading for any concerned citizen in assessing the damage that has been done and preparing for the social battles to come."

—Mark Juergensmeyer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Global Studies and Founding Director, Orfalea Center for Global & International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara; Author of Global Rebellion: Religious Challenges to the Secular State (2009)

"This is a study of both how Donald Trump attempted to impose his will on domestic policy and also a broader story of how and why presidents are so often frustrated in achieving their domestic goals. It is a joy to read a master scholar at the top of his game, and with this book, Michael Haas provides us with a valuable, readable and important lens into both Donald Trump and the American political process. This book may not be the last book on Donald Trump’s domestic policy, but it is likely to be the most important, and the most lasting."

—Michael A. Genovese, President, Global Policy Institute, and Loyola Chair of Leadership, Loyola Marymount University; Author of The Modern Presidency: Six Debates That Define the Institution (2022) and How Trump Governs (2017)

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Veröffentlichung: 30.12.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 22,5 cm / B 15 cm / 755 g
Seiten 476
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 102.95
Preis AT EUR 105.40
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-1-433-19871-7
ISBN-10 1433198711

Über den Autor

Nobel Peace Prize nominee Michael Haas, who holds graduate degrees from Stanford and Yale, is author of more than 60 books on government and politics. He retired after teaching at Northwestern, Purdue, the University of California (Riverside), the University of Hawai’i, the University of London, and five campuses of California State University. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Fulbright, and the U.S. Institute of Peace awarded him with research grants to facilitate his writings on Asia and the Pacific.

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