Cover: Social Credit
Vincent Brussee
Social Credit
- The Warring States of China’s Emerging Data Empire
ISBN: 978-9-819-92189-8
204 Seiten | €
E-Book [Kindle]
Vincent Brussee

Social Credit

The Warring States of China’s Emerging Data Empire

China’s Social Credit System has fundamentally re-shaped global notions of surveillance, making it into European Union legislation and hundreds of media headlines. Drawing on a rich body of empirical evidence, this book offers one of the first comprehensive assessments of this infamous system, from its fragmented implementation to its implications for both human rights and the market order. Surprisingly, it illustrates even China's government is confused about this messy initiative. Separating fact from fiction, Social Credit is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in technology, governance, and surveillance in China and beyond.  

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Veröffentlichung: 11.09.2023
Seiten 204
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
ISBN-13 978-9-819-92189-8
ISBN-10 9819921899

Über den Autor

Vincent Brussee is an Analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies, Europe’s largest think tank and research institute on contemporary China. He is the institute’s lead researcher on the Social Credit System. In addition to publishing extensively for MERICS, his work has been featured in Foreign Policy, the Diplomat, and various national outlets in Europe. He holds a graduate degree with the highest distinction in Asian Studies from Leiden University (the Netherlands), focusing on China’s domestic governance.

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