Cover: The United States Involvement in the South China Sea Dispute
Jianying Ma
The United States Involvement in the South China Sea Dispute
ISBN: 978-1-433-18518-2
390 Seiten | € 89.15
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Jianying Ma

The United States Involvement in the South China Sea Dispute

The South China Sea dispute not only involves the sovereignty and security interests of the countries concerned, but also the stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. As the South China Sea dispute has evolved, the United States, with its continuous engagement, has played a vital role in contributing to the complexity and internationalization of the dispute. This book summarizes American strategies in the South China Sea, and comprehensively examines the role of the United States in this maritime dispute from both historical and realistic perspectives. It argues that the U.S. policy towards the South China Sea dispute is highly skillful and targeted. The degree of the U.S. involvement in the disputes mainly depends on three factors, namely its Asia-Pacific strategy and interest demand, its strategy towards China, and the speed of China’s rise and how the United States perceives it.

This book will be of great interest to those who study or focus on international relations, China-U.S. relations, maritime affairs, U.S. foreign policy, and East Asian security studies. University libraries, public libraries, think tanks, institutes for marine affairs, and engaged private individuals who are interested in international relations, China-U.S. relations, maritime disputes, South China Sea issues, etc., will also be interested in this book.

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Veröffentlichung: 04.05.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 22,5 cm / B 15 cm / 641 g
Seiten 390
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 89.15
Preis AT EUR 91.65
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe The Belt and Road Initiative 1
ISBN-13 978-1-433-18518-2
ISBN-10 1433185180

Über den Autor

Jianying Ma (PhD in International Relations, Fudan University, China) is Associate Professor at Shandong Normal University in China. He was a visiting fellow at Washington University in St. Louis (2010-2011). His research fields include China’s maritime dispute and China-U.S. relations. He has published 2 books and more than 30 papers.

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