Tobias Beck
Unbox Your Network
- The Secrets of Network Marketing Professionals
ISBN: 978-3-949-45850-7
176 Seiten | € 20.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Tobias Beck
Unbox Your Network
The Secrets of Network Marketing Professionals
5.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web
Want to be professionally successful, but still have time for the important things in life?
Would you like to be financially free?
Rather work for your own success, not for the success of others?
To do this, you need a stable network. Network marketing is an ideal business model for people who want to be successful! For the first time, Tobias Beck reveals his secrets on how to become a professional networker. And he does it all in his relentlessly honest “real talk.” The greatest networkers in the industry use this book as a basis—as a “how-to guide”—for a successful business. But the focus here is not only on work—it’s also on fun, personal development, responsibility, and celebrating wins.
You can consider this book as your mentor. Because if there’s one thing that can accelerate your development and shorten your path to success, it’s working with someone who’s already where you want to be!
Would you like to be financially free?
Rather work for your own success, not for the success of others?
To do this, you need a stable network. Network marketing is an ideal business model for people who want to be successful! For the first time, Tobias Beck reveals his secrets on how to become a professional networker. And he does it all in his relentlessly honest “real talk.” The greatest networkers in the industry use this book as a basis—as a “how-to guide”—for a successful business. But the focus here is not only on work—it’s also on fun, personal development, responsibility, and celebrating wins.
You can consider this book as your mentor. Because if there’s one thing that can accelerate your development and shorten your path to success, it’s working with someone who’s already where you want to be!
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Veröffentlichung: | 20.09.2022 |
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht | H 21 cm / B 13,5 cm / 389 g |
Seiten | 176 |
Art des Mediums | Buch [Taschenbuch] |
Preis DE | EUR 20.00 |
Preis AT | EUR 20.00 |
ISBN-13 | 978-3-949-45850-7 |
ISBN-10 | 3949458506 |
Über den Autor
Tobias Beck ist Vertriebs- und Network-Marketing-Profi und kennt die Branche in- und auswendig. Beck labert nicht, er macht einfach!
Er baute international Tausende Vertriebspartner auf, mit denen er Millionenumsätze erwirtschaftete. Heute teilt er sein Wissen darüber, was erfolgreiches Network- Marketing ausmacht. Seit 20 Jahren berät Tobias Beck internationale Direktvertriebe und wird dort regelmäßig als firmenunabhängiger Top-Speaker eingeladen.
Er ist Spiegel-Bestsellerautor, seine Bücher wurden in 19 Sprachen übersetzt, sein Podcast über 22 Millionen Mal aufgerufen und er erhielt mehrfach den Publikumspreis „Speaker des Jahres“.