Cover: "Vocal Timbre and Trauma in Women's Songs"
David P. Petty
"Vocal Timbre and Trauma in Women's Songs"
ISBN: 978-3-384-35299-6
177 Seiten | € 25.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
David P. Petty

"Vocal Timbre and Trauma in Women's Songs"

The voice possesses significant power, capable of evoking fear, showing submission, or expressing a range of emotions. It can reveal one’s feelings or identity, particularly in the context of trauma. Trauma shapes emotional reactions, which in turn influence vocal timbres. This book explores how specific trauma responses—“freeze” and “fight”—are conveyed through vocal sounds. For the “freeze” response, breathiness and reverb are analyzed in songs like “5AM” by The Anchoress and “Sullen Girl” by Fiona Apple, reflecting dissociation. For the “fight” response, noisy timbres such as growls and screams are examined in “Swine” by Lady Gaga and “Liar” by Bikini Kill, illustrating rage and hyperarousal. Detailed analyses of “Gatekeeper” by Jessie Reyez and “Praying” by Kesha further demonstrate how varied vocal timbres can narrate assault experiences and recovery. This project highlights how sexual assault, prevalent in the music industry, is expressed in music, offering therapeutic insight for both performers and listeners

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 22 cm / B 15,5 cm / 289 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 25.00

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