Cover: War, Peace and the Military
Franz Kernic
War, Peace and the Military
- Sociological Perspectives
ISBN: 978-3-658-40520-5
166 Seiten | € 128.39
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Franz Kernic

War, Peace and the Military

Sociological Perspectives

This book is a comprehensive analysis of the various social science approaches to explaining and interpreting war, peace and the military. Its central aim is to trace and reconstruct those basic assumptions constructed and 'thought processes' undertaken by modern social sciences in their research and conceptualization of military violence and the use of force. In addition to such reconstruction, the aim is also to enquire into the preconditions of such thought. This study therefore eschews the development of an explicit 'strategy' (in the sense of a research strategy), but instead is much more concerned with thinking about its subject matter by means of re-thinking and reflecting upon different theoretical approaches and problems. The investigation includes a critical reexamination of the tradition of military-sociological research from the beginning of modern sociology to late-twentieth century theoretical approaches regarding the security-focused and/or war-driven aspects of modern society.

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Veröffentlichung: 29.03.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / -
Seiten 166
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 128.39
Preis AT EUR 131.99
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Militär und Sozialwissenschaften/The Military and Social Research
ISBN-13 978-3-658-40520-5
ISBN-10 3658405201

Über den Autor

Dr. Franz Kernic is an Austrian sociologist and political scientist. Before retiring in 2022, he taught leadership at ETH Zurich and served as head of leadership and communication studies at the Swiss Military Academy. Before moving to Switzerland in 2013, he was Professor of Sociology at the Swedish Defence University and a Senior Lecturer at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich (Germany) and the University of Innsbruck (Austria). He was also a Visiting Professor at the Catholic University in Santiago de Chile, University of Minnesota (USA) and Carleton University (Canada).

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