Cover: Altötting - Creative Coloring Book
Rose Creardon
Altötting - Creative Coloring Book
- With 26 b/w-sketches with Altötting-motifs for coloring and creative projects
ISBN: 978-3-959-64328-3
64 Seiten | € 12.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Rose Creardon

Altötting - Creative Coloring Book

With 26 b/w-sketches with Altötting-motifs for coloring and creative projects

Rose Creardon has a deep and heartfelt connection to Altötting and enjoys discovering the town and its history. She is happy to share her admiration for 'the Heart of Bavaria' with you in her various black-and-white sketches, which are ideal for watercolor paintings like the ones on the cover, but also many more creative techniques.

Her image-topics range from famous personalities connected to Altötting, to churches and well-known sights in this very special town.

26 wonderful b/w Altötting-sketches
for your creative projects and coloring with all kinds of media, e.g. water colors, markers and many more.
Due to the use of commercial printing paper in the book, it is advised to either use a sheet in between your drawings or transfer the chosen image onto special paper, e.g. for watercolor, etc.

Enjoy your creativity and the magnificent sights of Altötting!

Rose is convinced that her sketches might be useful for you too and so allowed us to share her images here.

Creardon, Rose

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Veröffentlichung: 12.12.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / -
Seiten 64
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 12.00
Preis AT EUR 12.40
Reihe Creative Coloring Books
ISBN-13 978-3-959-64328-3
ISBN-10 3959643284

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