Cover: Articles and Lectures
F. Matthias Alexander
Articles and Lectures
- Articles, Published Letters and Lectures on the F. M. Alexander Technique
ISBN: 978-3-903-41610-9
290 Seiten | € 16.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
F. Matthias Alexander

Articles and Lectures

Articles, Published Letters and Lectures on the F. M. Alexander Technique

Articles and Lectures is a compilation of F. M. Alexander’s articles, published letters and lectures on the Alexander Technique. The book consists of six sections.
Early Articles: The origins and development of the F. M. Alexander Technique between 1894 and 1910 can be traced in these early papers. Starting with his observations on the art of elocution, they show how Alexander changed the emphasis from breathing to ‘motive power,’ the correct mental attitude and, ultimately, conscious control.
Published Letters: These are letters written in response to medical articles or to reviews of his books. They address typical misunderstandings and misinterpretations of his technique.
Lectures: Three lectures survive of which two are reported almost verbatim. They were given informally and reveal Alexander’s spontaneity when talking about his technique.
Teaching Aphorisms: These aphorisms, taken from Alexander’s lessons, summarize important principles of his teaching and make general observations about use and conscious control.
Alexander and the Doctors: Consists of draft material for the unfinished book by Ron Brown. There is a foreword, and a chapter which deals with the misunderstood rôles of ‘treatment’ and physiology in the Technique.
Autobiographical Sketch: Covering Alexander’s life until his departure for London in 1904, this draft is not only a unique history of Alexander’s early life and career, but it is also a fascinating insight into the man behind the Technique. It is a portrait of an unusual and individualistic character.

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Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 20 cm / B 13 cm / 362 g
Seiten 290
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 16.00
Preis AT EUR 16.00
Auflage 4. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-903-41610-9
ISBN-10 390341610X

Über den Autor

F. Matthias Alexander (1869–1955) is the originator of the F. M. Alexander Technique. He started to evolve his technique in the early 1890s. Encouraged by doctors, Alexander moved to London in 1904. During the period 1914–24 he also taught regularly in New York and Boston. In New York John Dewey became his pupil and supporter and wrote forewords not only to the next edition of Man's Supreme Inheritance (1918), but also to Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual (1923) and The Use of the Self (1932). In these books he developed and expanded his theme, including examples and case stories as illustrations. During the 1920s and 1930s Alexander's pupils included George Bernard Shaw, Aldous Huxley, Leonard Wolf, Sir Stafford Cripps, The Earl of Lytton and doctors, scientists and performers. In 1931 Alexander started a 3-year course, training teachers in his technique, which ensured its survival and continual expansion. At the outbreak of war in 1939 Alexander moved the school to the USA. Here he finished his last book, The Universal Constant in Living (1942), reminding us all that we are constantly using ourselves, that our use continuously affects our functioning, and that we can co-ordinate and control that use to great advantage. Alexander continued to teach to within a few days of his death in 1955.

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