Cover: Basic Opening Strategy
Robert Ris
Basic Opening Strategy
- All you need to know
ISBN: 978-3-866-81917-7
0 Seiten | € 32.90
Digital [Kindle]
Robert Ris

Basic Opening Strategy

All you need to know

In this video course you will learn about basic chess opening strategies, which can help you
start your chess game. Become familiar with the most famous chess trap, winning in just four
moves: Scholar’s Mate - and how to defend against it. But there is so much more! You will
become acquainted with the Golden Rules of the Opening, and the importance of the centre -
and what happens if you neglect these aspects. Why it’s usually not a good idea to bring your
queen out early, and how to punish this mistake. Did you know your f-pawn is the Achilles heel
of your position, and that moving it may lead to immediate catastrophe? Another typical pattern
is the bishop pinning the opponent’s knight, as moving it hangs the queen. How to exploit
this weak spot in your opponent’s position and learn to deal with this unpleasant motif.
Playing the opening optimally doesn’t guarantee victory, but a good start to the game guides
you in the right direction. What are you supposed to do after having applied all the basic opening
principles? Plus understanding what the positions need from you in the middlegame!
50 exercises have been added, so that you can practice, and see if you are able to apply these
general opening rules. But you’ve got to think critically, as every position is unique, and sometimes
a standard idea might not be recommended for tactical reasons.
• Video running time: 4 h 17 minutes
• With interactive training including video feedback
• Database with 50 e xcercises

System requirements:
Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM,
Windows 8.1, DirectX9 graphic card with
256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows
Media Player 9 and internet connection for
program activation.
Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz,
4 GB RAM, Windows 10 or 11 , DirectX10
graphic card (or compatible) with 512 MB
RAM or better, 100% DirectX10 compatible
sound card, Windows Media Player 11,
DVDROM drive and internet connection for
program activation.

Ris, Robert

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Veröffentlichung: 20.10.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 19 cm / B 14 cm / 85 g
Art des Mediums Digital [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 32.90
Preis AT EUR 33.20
Reihe Fritztrainer
ISBN-13 978-3-866-81917-7
ISBN-10 386681917X

Über den Autor

Born in 1988, Robert Ris is an International Master who has represented The Netherlands in various international youth events. Nowadays his main activities in the Amsterdam area consist of teaching in schools and chess clubs as well as coaching private clients. On top of that, he is also an active online trainer with a number of students from a host of different countries. Robert has made several appearances as a live commentator for prestigious events, such as the Dutch National Championships 2011-2013 and the Tata Steel Chess Tournament in 2013 and 2014

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