Cover: Cosmic Sacred Geometry
Gabriele S. Bodmer
Cosmic Sacred Geometry
- Change your Life with Starr Fuentes´ Light Language
ISBN: 978-3-948-88535-9
330 Seiten | € 14.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Gabriele S. Bodmer

Cosmic Sacred Geometry

Change your Life with Starr Fuentes´ Light Language

Would you like to make changes in your life? Are you longing for a clear path to your goals? Or are you looking for healing in relationships or even for your soul mate? Or would you like to find more of yourself on a deep level?
This book is about the Primal Language of Creation: Cosmic Sacred Geometry. Gabriele S. Bodmer introduces you to an etheric language based on colored, sacred geometry, Light Language. Light Language is an energetic way of communication handed down by Mexican shamans, the Curanderos. These guardians of knowledge preserved and taught their wisdom for generations within the tribes until they passed their legacy on to the American spiritual teacher Starr Fuentes, with the mission to spread it to the world.
The book "Cosmic Sacred Geometry" is nothing less than a captivating expedition into the spiritual world of shapes and colors. It presents us with equally astonishing evidence of how we can use Light Language directly in our lives and what effects it has.
In this book you will also find 36 energy cards, each a representation of a fundamental aspect of life, in the form of colorful geometric patterns (also available as a download/link in the book). These "Grids" are not only tools for personal development, but they also serve as keys to achieving specific goals, whether for yourself or for others.
Discover the transformative power of these patterns. Learn how you can use them to send clear messages to the universe and steer your life in the direction you want.
With Light Language, we have the power to consciously influence our personal vibration. It opens the way to the unfolding of our true self and the manifestation of our deepest desires. You could even call it a direct link to the soul.

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Original Titel Heilige Formen des Lichts
Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2024
Seiten 330
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 14.99
Preis AT EUR 15.50
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-948-88535-9

Über den Autor

Gabriele S. Bodmer studied psychology, art history, archaeology and photography.
She works for more than 25 years as a transformation coach,
seminar leader, author and photographer. In her work she combines
the teachings of numerous metaphysical cultures with her own
experiences, coupled with medial knowledge and intuition, in order to support people on their path to their own power. The COSMIC SACRED GEOMETRY have been realized the impressive, personal transformation process of Gabriele S. Bodmer. She has been one of the master teachers of the STARR FUENTES SCHOOL EUROPE for many years.

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