Cover: Heilen in Reimen
Sabine Schneider
Heilen in Reimen
- Psychosomatische Krankheitsursachen und ihre Auflösung
ISBN: 978-3-990-01705-0
288 Seiten | € 24.00
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Sabine Schneider

Heilen in Reimen

Psychosomatische Krankheitsursachen und ihre Auflösung

4.0/5.00 bei 29 Reviews - aus dem Web

Was tun, wenn Symptome ohne ärztlichen Befund bleiben? Oder wenn Krankheiten aus ungeklärten Gründen immer wiederkommen?

In solchen Fällen kann die psychosomatische Sichtweise helfen. In diesem Buch schlüsselt die Psychologin Prof. Dr. Sabine Viktoria Schneider dieses medizinisch-psychologische Fachgebiet einfach verständlich auf und macht seine wichtigsten Botschaften für die persönliche Heilung anwendbar. Für 190 Krankheitsbilder nennt sie die falschen Gedankenmuster, die dahinter stecken können, zeigt, wie sie sich auflösen lassen und liefert als Hilfsmittel kleine Affirmationen in Reimform.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21 cm / B 14 cm / 260 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DEEUR 24.00
Preis ATEUR 24.00
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Über die Autorin

A life for sustainable development, transformation and holistic healthy growth. For humans, animals, nature and the planet.

Be the change you want to see. But how? In order to solve individual and planetary resp. global challenges and to achieve sustainable healthy progress, balance and peace, it is always crucial to first analyse and understand the respective whole. The neglect of this approach so far has repeatedly led to inefficient and incomplete solutions in human history, which in turn resulted in regressions, imbalances and burnouts.
The economist with 25 years of international experience as a management, marketing and crisis consultant has specialised in the prevention and health market. Initially, the focus was on the physical fitness of humans, before she specialised in the spiritual and mental development and health of humans due to an extremely pathological and persistent bullying situation between 2005 and 2007. To this end, she investigated various teachings and development models from Western, Eastern and indigenous (high) cultures, among others, and created the brand Sheiza's® in early 2012.
After three years of intensive research, she completed a structured development, transformation and growth model at the end of 2022, which also takes into account the connections between humans, animals, nature and the planet. Due to its neutrality, this leadership model is adaptable for every human and for all (eco)systems worldwide. Since 2023, the brand has stood for sustainable development and holistic healthy growth on an individual and global level.
"How Wholeness Saves the World" is based on the interdisciplinary knowledge and intercultural experiences of the author. Furthermore, she shows why the heart and the economy are of outstanding importance when it comes to evolutionary progress, leadership, health, balance and sustainability. The author presents complex relationships as simply and efficiently as possible and uses pragmatic examples to illustrate how each individual influences the whole and contributes to change.

Detailed information on the author and on "The Making of Sheiza's®" can be found at the following link:

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