Cover: Homeopathy in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
Michael Frass
Homeopathy in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
ISBN: 978-3-955-82270-5
568 Seiten | € 53.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Michael Frass

Homeopathy in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

This is a unique work, which documents how homeopathy can achieve predictably successful results in emergencies such as anaphylactic shock, acute abdomen, acute asthma, myocardial infarction of the inferior wall, and oedema of the glottis.
The book contains 145 well-documented case histories, similar to those written by the old American homeopathic clinicians. In each case it is clearly demonstrated how to quickly find the best remedy using straightforward Kentian repertorisation. The results are impressive. The authors show that conventional treatment and homeopathy can perfectly complement each other.
This work offers also a lot of general information on homeopathy like potentisation, source materials used in homeopathic remedies and methods of administration. It also comprises a stringently edited materia medica of the most important 70 remedies for ICU and emergency situations.
Both editors have extensive experience in emergency medicine and homeopathy. Michael Frass is former head of the intensive internal medicine unit at the Medical University of Vienna and Martin Bünder also has long-standing service in rescue and emergency medicine.

Frass, Michael

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Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2023
Seiten 568
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 53.99
Preis AT EUR 55.50
Auflage 3. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-955-82270-5

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