Cover: Kirk's-Philosophy-Coloring-Book
Hanna Roth
- ... totally made up by @hannasroth
ISBN: 978-3-384-40627-9
Seiten | € 14.99
Hanna Roth


... totally made up by @hannasroth

This isn’t your typical coloring book—it's a homage to the unsung heroe of television, specifically that unforgettable side character who never quite got the spotlight he deserved. In this case, it's about Kirk, whose quirky, endearing, and totally offbeat philosophy on life now takes center stage. Imagine a world where Kirk's peculiar wisdom is revered and his unique perspective is treated as a guide to self-care and inner peace, or just the way Kirk would do it. Each page is a (totally made up) deep (and sometimes ridiculous) meditation (ok lets just call it a phrase) on how Kirk might navigate life’s most mundane and profound challenges—like „What Would Kirk Do?“ but with flowers.
Every mantra (... ok it's a simple phrase), adorned in intricate floral frames, offers „Kirkisms“ that can be colored, framed, and displayed proudly on your wall. These are no ordinary platitudes; they’re the unexpected life advice you never knew you needed, filled with paradox, humor, and just enough truth to make you laugh and think. With a healthy dose of self-care and self-irony, Kirk's „wisdoms“ might actually help you find a little more joy, or at the very least, something to laugh about.
In short, this is the coloring book for anyone seeking zen in the absurd.

Roth, Hanna

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