Cover: Köper : Twill 1+1
Claudia Wollny
Köper : Twill 1+1
- 4 Köpertechniken für Brettchenweben verstehen und entwerfen
ISBN: 978-3-948-31514-6
448 Seiten | € 34.90
Buch [WW]
Claudia Wollny

Köper : Twill 1+1

4 Köpertechniken für Brettchenweben verstehen und entwerfen

5.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web

Who is Afraid of Twill?

At first glance, twill seems to be a mysterious technique shrouded in secrets. This workshop is designed to demystify twill. In this book, all twill techniques for tablet weaving are examined: the most well-known is 2-Color Twill. It shares the background with 3-­Color Twill, Empty-­Hole Twill, and Line Twill—a new, ­previously undocumented twill variant. All offer fantastic design opportunities for the motif area.
In addition to the basics and setup, twill‘s special structure is illuminated with ­photos and illustrations. A total of 219 practice weaving ­patterns plus ­solutions will help you ­learn how to draft weaving patterns and design your own motifs. Discover the “­minimum units“ and the “crumple zone.“ The ­mechanics follow simple rules that help you master even the trickiest ­situations. You‘ll find out quickly: Twill is very ­simple—just add 1+1.
► inklusive Downloads (QR Code): Patterns + Tablets
► Skill level: Intermediate

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Veröffentlichung: 27.11.2023
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 24,5 cm / B 17,5 cm / 1171 g
Seiten 448
Art des Mediums Buch [WW]
Preis DE EUR 34.90
Preis AT EUR 35.90
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-948-31514-6
ISBN-10 3948315140

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