Cover: Lovely Animals Oracle
Helena de Almeida
Lovely Animals Oracle
- 44 Power Animal Cards GB
ASIN: 4250375110071
80 Seiten | € 22.90
Buch [WW]
Helena de Almeida

Lovely Animals Oracle

44 Power Animal Cards GB

5.0/5.00 bei 2 Reviews - aus dem Web

Helena de Almeida has a close relationship with all animals. For this pack of cards, she has selected 44 animals from over 200 with a special magical ritual, which she depicts in enchanting and colourful illustrations. These power animals give us loving, positive energy and warm our hearts. They accompany you on your path, strengthen you and inspire you in all questions of life. Discover your personal helper animal - whether on land, in the water or in the air.
On the enchanting card pictures you will already find helpful information and impulses. In the booklet, the author describes the respective strengths and messages and how you can use them for yourself. She also points out the weaknesses and what dangers could be associated with them. The general message in each case gives you an overview of the task you should solve in your current situation.You can use them for yourself as inspiration or together in a group, with children or in the family - the loving animal cards conjure up a smile on everyone's face.
In the booklet you will find the respective strengths and messages of the animals as well as impulses, what is important for you in your current situation.

- From the illustrator and author of the successful Golden Black Cat Tarot
- Adorable depictions of the helper animals
- Exceptional selection of animals
- Helena de Almeida has a large social media following
- Contents: 44 cards in high-quality slipcover box and 80-page booklet

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 13,8 cm / B 9,5 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [WW]
Preis DEEUR 22.90
Preis ATEUR 23.10
Auflage1. Auflage

Über den Autor

Helena Isabel Isidro de Almeida wurde in Portugal geboren und lebt in Deutschland. Sie ist eine internationale Künstlerin die spirituelle Kunst mit einem Hauch von Realität verknüpft. Als Autodidaktin hatte sie schon in jungen Jahren das Bedürfnis, ihre Gefühle durch Bilder auszudrücken,die vom Universum und der Natur inspiriert sind. Nach einer Karriere im Qualitätsmanagement entschied sie sich vor ein paar Jahren, diese Leidenschaft beruflich auszuleben.

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