Cover: Makers Bible Crafting Cuisine
Michael Schmidt
Makers Bible Crafting Cuisine
- a fine selection of food & kitchen brands
ISBN: 978-3-000-76749-4
352 Seiten | € 42.00
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Michael Schmidt

Makers Bible Crafting Cuisine

a fine selection of food & kitchen brands


Are you a passionate cook and a diligent host? Is
sustainability important to you, and do you like to
prepare food with the very best tools? If so, then
this edition of MAKERS BIBLE on crafted cooking
is for you!
We’ve curated a comprehensive selection of the
finest producers and brands of the hand-picked,
hand-turned and hand-finished, whether their
wares come from the field, the foundry, or their
factory. We turn the spotlight on exceptional food
cultures (Italy and Japan), and we highlight a
series of European regions that should be must visits
for any aspiring gourmand. But most of all,
this book is a manifesto for quality, passion and
craftsmanship at every stage of the culinary journey.
Moreover, QR codes can be scanned throughout for
additional information and details on where to buy
the products. All the Makers in this Bible share a
common aim – to make the kitchen a creative and
social hub, and to bring something truly sublime
to the table.

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Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2023
Seiten 352
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 42.00
Preis AT EUR 43.20
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Makers Bible 2
ISBN-13 978-3-000-76749-4
ISBN-10 3000767495

Über den Autor

Achim Hildebrand, geboren am 12. September 1957 schreibt seit seinen Teenagerjahren über Themen, die er auch gerne liest: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror und alles was mit abenteuerlicher Fantastik zu tun hat.
Inzwischen sind mehrere seiner Texte in diversen Antholo-gien erschienen und 2008 sein erster Roman Meuchelsänger – Das Auge des Chaos im Skalding–Verlag.
Das Geld für Papier und Bleistifte verdient er als Techni-scher Redakteur in der Nähe von Montabaur.

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