Cover: Motor vehicle expert in Germany
Nico Michaelis
Motor vehicle expert in Germany
- Simply explained including reports, Audatex
ISBN: 978-3-384-35428-0
254 Seiten | € 69.00
Nico Michaelis

Motor vehicle expert in Germany

Simply explained including reports, Audatex

Motor vehicle expert in Germany
Simply explained including reports with Audatex

- Units 14 Number of pages 253
- Self-Study including 60 control questions and answers.

You can find a detailed reading sample with table of contents here:

An example: Does VAT also have to be reimbursed when a vehicle is repaired?

According to § 249 (new) BGB, VAT is only to be reimbursed if and to the extent that it has been incurred. However, if the more recent case law of the Federal Court of Justice is applied here analogously to settlement on the basis of the replacement cost, VAT would also be reimbursed without restriction when settlement is based on the repair costs if at least the amount of the repair costs was actually spent on replacement, irrespective of whether VAT is included in the purchase price of the replacement vehicle.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 744 g
Art des MediumsBuch
Preis DEEUR 69.00
Preis ATEUR 69.00

Über den Autor

Business- und Individual Coach, Sachverständiger, Autor, CEO

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