Cover: Remembrance to the «i AM»
White Feather Corina
Remembrance to the «i AM»
ISBN: 978-3-952-55522-4
212 Seiten | € 11.00
E-Book [Kindle]
White Feather Corina

Remembrance to the «i AM»

The CardDeck contains the channeling of 44 messages, mainly from Water- and CrystalBeings, in image and word.

They offer a powerful potential, to transport the bottom of the Soul to the surface. One who really and sincerely CoCreates with it has the opportunity to work deeply on one's Self to unfold into the lightness of Being and to live his/her true «i AM».

The messages give us accompaniment to go through the transformational time with ourselves as well as for and with Mother Earth and to grow into the New.

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Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2023
Seiten 212
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 11.00
Preis AT EUR 11.00
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-952-55522-4
ISBN-10 3952555223

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