Cover: The Book of the Master and His Heirs
Emil Stejnar
The Book of the Master and His Heirs
- A Masonic Initiation Novel
ISBN: 978-3-900-72125-1
368 Seiten | € 25.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Emil Stejnar

The Book of the Master and His Heirs

A Masonic Initiation Novel

5.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web

In a Viennese Masonic Lodge, Dr Michael Stein is raised to the grade of Master Mason. During the mysterious ritual, he experiences a ‘soul journey’ which transports him back to the thirteenth century: now he is a monk, an initiate of the mysteries of the Templars. And he is on the trail of the secret of the legendary Baphomet. But before he can unmask the forces of darkness, he is accused of witchcraft due to his spectacular feats of healing, and finds himself summarily burnt at the stake. Yet he does not die. Rather than perishing in the flames, he awakens within the Lodge Temple – in the body of Michael Stein.

Shaken to the core, Michael realises that his past has caught up with him. Now he can recall his mission: will the people of our planet be saved, or will the shadow powers defeat the forces of good? The burden lies upon his shoulders. To save the world, he must find the casket holding the magical artefacts and the Book of the Master, which contains secret formulas and instructions. Before he was exe-cuted centuries earlier, he hid the casket in a cave.

On his adventures in search of the casket, Michael is accompanied by the fifteen-year-old daughter of Brandström, a shady Brother in his Lodge. Her name is Maria, and along the way he will introduce the secrets of magic and mysticism to her – and to you, the reader. A tender millennia-old love binds the pair, yet they have no inkling of the threats they face. For the Brethren of the Shadow are also seeking the casket, and they will pursue Michael and the girl mercilessly.

With images transmitted via word magic, this book achieves what can otherwise only be attained through special rituals of initiation. Fantastic scenes and mysterious teachings will draw you into another world, allowing you to experience a mind-altering initiation which will transform your personality and set your life on a new course.

By reading this book, the reader becomes an ‘heir’ to the Book of the Master and an initiate who recognises the connections between this world and the beyond.

Stejnar, Emil
Stejnar Verlag

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Veröffentlichung: 12.12.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21,5 cm / B 14 cm / -
Seiten 368
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 25.00
Preis AT EUR 25.00
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-900-72125-1
ISBN-10 3900721254

Über den Autor

1939 in Wien geboren, hat sich seit frühester Jugend mit Magie und Mystik beschäftigt. Zahlreiche Publikationen und Medienauftritte machten ihn im In- und Ausland bekannt.
Er leitete, neben seinem Juweliergeschäft, zwanzig Jahre lang das Institut für wissenschaftliche Schicksalsforschung und ist Begründer der gnostischen Hermetik, welche die alten Traditionen ins dritte Jahrtausend führt. Seine besondere Anliegen sind die Freimaurerei und die Astrologie, weil er dort die Schnittstellen fand, welche die Welt des Geistes mit der Welt der Materie, also die Welt der Esoterik mit der Welt der Wissenschaft verbinden. Stejnar gilt als Nachfolger des berühmten Magiers Franz Bardonund wird im Vorwort zur Neuauflage des wohl wichtigsten Werkes über die Gnosis "Fragmente eines verschollenen Glaubens“ neben Geistesgrößen wie C.G. Jung, Mozart, Hegel, Nietzsche, Rilke, Kafka, neben Eingeweihten wie Jakob Böhme, Papus, Eliphas Levi und Altmeister Aleister Crowley als letzter bedeutender Gnostiker genannt.

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