Cover: The Mindfulness Habit: Build your calm, day by day
Lisa Wren
The Mindfulness Habit: Build your calm, day by day
ISBN: 978-1-292-46080-2
256 Seiten | € 21.39
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Lisa Wren

The Mindfulness Habit: Build your calm, day by day

5.0/5.00 bei 8 Reviews - aus dem Web

Build your calm, work with purpose, live your life.

A step-by-step mindfulness coaching programme so you can make mindfulness part of your everyday routine and better manage stress, anxiety and insecurity.

The Mindfulness Habit provides an 8-week, peer reviewed mindfulness course alternating with chapters that tackle practical workplace challenges in a relatable and compassionate way. Topics include working with uncertainty and insecurity; stress and burnout; anxiety; switching off from work, and how to deal with difficult communications. You will also discover how mindfulness can support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

"I cant do mindfulness. My mind is too busy, I cant sit still, I just dont have the TIME!" The reasons you think you cant, are the same reasons why you should give mindfulness a go.

Lisa Wren specialises in teaching people who are seriously busy, overwhelmed, stressed out, or in full-on meltdown because life is rushing past at a ridiculous pace. People who like to learn and progress, who value career and life, but who cant seem to ever catch-up, or get on top of things....or who yearn for just 5 minutes of peace (is that too much to ask?!).

Mindfulness can help because your mind is busy, because your body is agitated, and because you dont have time. In fact, you dont need to find much time at all no longer than the time it has taken you to read this paragraph.

The insights and information shared in The Mindfulness Habit can make a meaningful difference to how you feel.

Lisa provides valuable knowledge, and ethically sound perspectives and practices that can help you to navigate the often-difficult relationship between mental health and the demands placed upon us at work and in life. So much of what is suffered is unspoken, and you might assume that feeling persistently stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or exhausted is just something you must put up with. This book shows how you can have a productive and successful working life whilst also feeling calmer, healthier, and more in control.

The Mindfulness Habit blends established mindfulness curricula with other approaches in positive psychology and introduces active awareness mindfulness without meditation which can bring mindfulness directly into your everyday life. This unique synthesised approach provides the option of different routes into mindfulness: there is a path to mindfulness waiting for you in this book.


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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 21,7 cm / B 13,8 cm / 310 g
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 21.39
Preis ATEUR 21.39
Auflage1. Auflage

Über die Autorin

Lisa Wren has practiced mindfulness since 2012. She began her learning journey at the Oxford University Mindfulness Centre and has been teaching since 2015. Lisa works with the internationally recognized mindfulness teaching standard MBI-TAC and meets all criteria in its competency domains; she is trained in both MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) and MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction). Lisa's teacher training and CPD is through the Mindfulness Network (accredited by Bangor University). She has a First-Class Hons. degree in Psychology with Neuroscience (University of London) and was the winner of the annual British Psychological Society Undergraduate Award for her university. She is perpetually learning and is engaged with current psychology research literature through specialist courses at City University and the British Psychological Society; she has also studied Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness and is a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA England).

Lisa has a successful portfolio career, she manages the high-performing IP & Rights team as Director, R&P for Pearson and teaches internationally in her role as Global Mindfulness Lead. She provides classes and runs weekly workplace meditation groups, as well as supporting and training new mindfulness teachers; she creates and delivers learning material for her online and in-person courses and has written about workplace wellbeing, including in response to the Pearson Global Learner Survey. She is currently supporting ELL marketing campaigns with mindfulness-based wellbeing videos on social media for students, and she supports individuals through mentoring schemes and the Senior Leadership Sponsorship program. Recently Lisa has become a volunteer mindfulness teacher for the NHS, sharing this valuable skill with clinical teams to help them prepare for a busy winter period.

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