Cover: The Red Car Effect
Maher Asaad Baker
The Red Car Effect
ISBN: 978-3-384-13470-7
210 Seiten | € 22.00
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Maher Asaad Baker

The Red Car Effect

The ability to spot opportunities that others may miss has never been more important. However, most people fail to recognize the possibilities that exist right before their eyes. This book provides the key to unlocking your potential by training your mind to think beyond conventional limits.

Drawing from insights from psychology, philosophy, and real-world examples, it explores an idea that can transform your life. Learn how focusing your intentions in a disciplined way reshapes your perception, allowing you to notice chances for growth where once you saw nothing. Discover how to systematically dismantle the cognitive biases blocking your vision and stifle your creativity.

Gain powerful strategies for proactively seeking opportunities through goal-setting, information gathering, and cultivating the right mindset. Most rewarding of all, master the art of stepping outside of your comfort zone, where innovation happens and whole new worlds may open. This book offers the tools and understanding to develop an opportunity advantage that you can apply to your career, business endeavors, and personal fulfillment. The choice is yours - you can stay where you are or start seeing with new eyes.

Baker, Maher Asaad

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Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 309 g
Seiten 210
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 22.00
Preis AT EUR 22.00
ISBN-13 978-3-384-13470-7
ISBN-10 3384134702

Über den Autor

Maher Asaad Baker (In Arabic: ماهر أسعد بكر) is a Syrian Musician, Author, Journalist, VFX & Graphic artist, and Director, he was born in Damascus in 1977. Since his teens, he has been building up his career, starting by developing applications and websites while exploring various types of media-creating paths.

He started his career in 1997 with a dream of being one of the most well-known artists in the world.

Reading was always a part of his life as he was always surrounded by his father's books, but his writing ability didn't develop until a later age as his most time was occupied with other things such as developing, writing songs and music, or in media projects production, he is most known for his book "How I wrote a million Wikipedia articles" and a novel entitled "Becoming the man".

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