Education for Sustainability

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Die Reihenfolge beginnt mit dem Buch "Rethinking Education for Sustainable Development in a Local Community Context". Wer alle Bücher der Reihe nach lesen möchte, sollte mit diesem Band von Fumiko Noguchi beginnen. Die Reihe endet vorerst mit diese Titel.
Der zweite Teil der Reihe "Rethinking Education for Sustainable Development in a Local Community Context" ist am 21.08.2022 erschienen.

  • Anzahl der Bewertungen für die gesamte Reihe: 0
  • Ø Bewertung der Reihe: 0
Cover: Rethinking Education for Sustainable Development in a Local Community Context
  • Autor: Noguchi, Fumiko
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 22.08.2022
  • Genre: Politik

Rethinking Education for Sustainable Development in a Local Community Context

This book bridges the gap between Education for Sustainable Development and community development and examines the contributions of critical environmental education as a theoretical framework to the policy, research, and practice of Education for Sustainable Development. The book investigates what Education for Sustainable Development really means when it happens from the perspectives of a marginalized individual at the very bottom of society in a local community, where there is no such ‘educational’ institution, no policy or no curriculum to support the effort, but there is the necessity of learning and empowerment for changing the situation. In particular, drawing on the experience of the indigenous Ainu fisherman, it critically examines the theoretical foundation of Education for Sustainable Development, critical environmental education, investigating methodologically and epistemologically the relevance and efficacy of critical environmental education to socially critical approaches to Education for Sustainable Development in a community development context. And this investigation leads to develop a praxis framework for socially critical Education for Sustainable Development in a community development context so that both fields would be mutually supportive to strengthen the practices. 

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