Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects

Diversifying Schools

Chronologie aller Bände (1 - 6)

Die Reihenfolge beginnt mit dem Buch "Japan’s International Cooperation in Education". Wer alle Bücher der Reihe nach lesen möchte, sollte mit diesem Band von Min Pham beginnen. Der zweite Teil der Reihe "Reforming Pedagogy in Cambodia" ist am 10.01.2023 erschienen. Die Reihe umfasst derzeit 6 Bände. Der neueste Band trägt den Titel "English Medium Instruction Practices in Vietnamese Universities".

  • Anzahl der Bewertungen für die gesamte Reihe: 0
  • Ø Bewertung der Reihe: 0
  • Start der Reihe: 11.06.2022
  • Neueste Folge: 26.06.2023

Diese Reihenfolge enthält 6 unterschiedliche Autoren.

Cover: Japan’s International Cooperation in Education
  • Autor: Kayashima, Nobuko
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 15.04.2023
  • Genre: Politik

Japan’s International Cooperation in Education

This book records the history of Japan’s international cooperation in education from the 1950s to 2020. It provides a crucial overview of the nearly 70 years since Japan began engaging in international cooperation in education in order to record and document these efforts that range from basic to higher education to technical and vocational education and training, and the large numbers of people involved in their respective areas of activity and specialization. The book provides useful indicators for exploring new forms of education cooperation in this age of global governance and beyond. The authors include not only researchers but also field practitioners, such as personnel from the Japan International Cooperation Agency and NGOs.

Cover: Education in Cambodia
  • Autor: McNamara, Vincent
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 16.05.2023
  • Genre: Politik

Education in Cambodia

This book is the most comprehensive account yet published about the education system in Cambodia. It covers all system levels and draws upon the knowledge and insights of a wide range of leading Cambodian and foreign scholars. The book focuses on how the system has developed and is making progress. Significant achievements over the past two decades are evident, but many problems remain, including the poor quality of teaching, research and institutional management. Under-funding is an ongoing obstacle, but so too is a bureaucratic culture of resistance to change, a history of weak governance, and an anti-reform sentiment deriving from a teacher-centred and exam-driven curriculum. Achieving international standards must now be the system’s highest priority. To this end, the system must rid itself of conservatism, complacency and manipulation by parochial vested interests.
Cover: Education in Indonesia
  • Autor: Sakhiyya, Zulfa
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 26.06.2023
  • Genre: Politik

Education in Indonesia

This book offers a critical analysis on Indonesian education by drawing from various critical perspectives and theoretical frameworks to explore persistent challenges and social inequality problems in the education sector. Critical perspectives are important to reveal how education is not a neutral, mechanistic process of cultivating the knowledge and skills of future generation. Instead, it is a battleground in which competing visions, ideologies, discourses, religious values, and political interests struggle for dominance in a given society. In each of the sections, contributors draw upon specific case studies and employ critical theories to analyze power relations or to identify and destabilize underlying structures, dominant discourses, hegemonic knowledge, policies, or practices. Some authors also highlight data evidencing inequities, inequalities, or injustices in Indonesian education system. As a handbook, the emphasis on critical perspectives is useful to identify and evaluate the ‘blind spots’ of dominant policy discourses and their pedagogical consequences. The plurality of critical approaches also means that this book is necessarily multidisciplinary. A unique feature of this book is the fact that most authors are Indonesian academics who bring with them tacit knowledge of practices and issues. Overall, this book enriches the literature by bringing together different disciplinary perspectives such as political science, psychology, international relations, economics, and linguistics to critically examine important issues related to education in Indonesia.
Cover: Diversifying Schools
  • Band: 61
  • Autor: Hung, David
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 19.02.2023
  • Genre: Politik

Diversifying Schools

This book discusses the strategies that the Singapore Education System has embarked to encourage school change and innovations. It documents the change journey of Specialized Schools and Future Schools in Singapore with a view to understand the key tenets that enable school wide change and reform. The intents for change and reform are to anchor the education system to the basic foundations and principles of education and yet enable the system as a whole to be malleable to change and globalization. It shows how Singapore enables diversity within a structured environment through innovations in Specialized and Future Schools, and highlights the systemic rationale behind various efforts in Specialized and Future Schools and the kinds of adaptations schools have made to leverage structures and make adjustments for their contexts.  

Cover: Reforming Pedagogy in Cambodia
  • Band: 62
  • Autor: Ogisu, Takayo
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 10.01.2023
  • Genre: Politik

Reforming Pedagogy in Cambodia

This book presents a sociocultural account of logic, or a pedagogy, that governs Cambodian education, from policy-making to classroom practices. In so doing, it seeks to not only provide an introduction to Cambodian education, but also to help readers understand the complexities involved in reforming educational practices by drawing on an ethnographic multi-level case study of an ongoing pedagogical reform policy. The book reveals what is actually taking place in today’s Cambodian classrooms and how actors view their own practices in response to the new pedagogy. Importantly, the book situates Cambodian pedagogical reform efforts amid the global wave of student-centered pedagogies and sheds new light on the political economy of educational policy-making and policy implementation along a global-local axis.

Cover: English Medium Instruction Practices in Vietnamese Universities
  • Band: 68
  • Autor: Pham, Min
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 12.06.2022
  • Genre: Politik

English Medium Instruction Practices in Vietnamese Universities

This book focuses on English as a Medium of Instruction practices in higher education in Vietnam, addressing institutional, practitioner and student perspectives. It presents theoretical standpoints and empirical experiences of how institutional policies are enacted in the offering of English as a Medium of Instruction programs in universities in Vietnam, and how the disciplinary content is taught and learned through English. The book showcases the enactment of curricular and pedagogical practices in the classroom, drawing on a range of different disciplines central to university education. It also explores the roles of mother tongues in the construction of disciplinary knowledge in English as a Medium of Instruction programs and courses. This book provides guidance and practical information for university English as a Medium of Instruction policy makers, lecturers and student support teams in English for academic purposes across disciplines, as well as to the theoretical framing of the English as a Medium of Instruction field itself.

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