IMISCOE Research Series

Migration Between Mexico and the United States

Chronologie aller Bände (1 - 2)

Die Reihenfolge beginnt mit dem eBook "Migration Between Mexico and the United States". Wer alle eBookz der Reihe nach lesen möchte, sollte mit diesem Band von Agustín Escobar Latapí beginnen. Der zweite Teil der Reihe "Migration in Southeast Asia" ist am 18.04.2023 erschienen. Die Reihe umfasst derzeit 2 Bände. Der neueste Band trägt den Titel "Migration in Southeast Asia".

  • Anzahl der Bewertungen für die gesamte Reihe: 0
  • Ø Bewertung der Reihe: 0

Diese Reihenfolge enthält 2 unterschiedliche Autoren.

Cover: Migration Between Mexico and the United States

Migration Between Mexico and the United States

This open access Regional Reader describes how Mexico - United States migration changed substantially during the first decade of the 21st Century. The book provides an in-depth analysis on the changes in the flows into and out of both countries, thus highlighting the issues arising from Mexico - US migration as well as addressing the large numbers of adults and children entering Mexico from the United States. It covers how this tidal change affects the Hispanic population of the U.S. and return migrants' reincorporation in Mexico; their jobs, access to school, health and access to health services, how fear became a dominant aspect of Mexicans’ lives in the U.S., and the role played by crime and social policy in Mexico.
Cover: Migration in Southeast Asia

Migration in Southeast Asia

This open access IMISCOE Regional Reader explores the issues faced by migrant groups in Southeast Asia and the challenges of getting of their human rights recognized. It analyses the different responses, or lack thereof, of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to these highly complex situations which are shaped by contemporary debates around borders and concepts of states, migrants’ rights as well as access to citizenship and how these concepts and paradigms are intertwined with issues such as agency and resilience of migrants. Crucial attention is given to the region’s lesser known populations and issues such as the Vietnamese in Thailand, people of Indonesian descent (PIDs) in Southern Philippines, independent child migrants across the region, and the vulnerabilities of migrant workers facing the COVID-19 pandemic. With its unique regional focus, this book provides a valuable resource to those studying human rights and migration issues, policy makers and researchers and students.

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