International Research on Poverty Reduction

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Die Reihenfolge beginnt mit dem Buch "Research on Poverty Reduction in China". Wer alle Bücher der Reihe nach lesen möchte, sollte mit diesem Band von Peilin Li beginnen. Die Reihe endet vorerst mit diese Titel.
Der zweite Teil der Reihe "Research on Poverty Reduction in China" ist am 09.05.2022 erschienen.

  • Anzahl der Bewertungen für die gesamte Reihe: 0
  • Ø Bewertung der Reihe: 0
Cover: Research on Poverty Reduction in China
  • Autor: Li, Peilin
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 10.05.2022
  • Genre: Politik

Research on Poverty Reduction in China

This book identifies “development-oriented poverty reduction” as a crucial part of what is now often billed as China’s unique development path, experience and model. China’s success serves as an example for any society aiming to eradicate poverty. However, there is still a tough road ahead as the country enters a new phase of the war on poverty.
In addition to a systematic overview of the country’s development-oriented poverty reduction experiences over recent decades, the book also offers an outlook for poverty reduction in the coming years, including challenges the country will face as it enters the final stretch in the race to achieve moderate prosperity for all. It also discusses policy options for meeting the government’s poverty-reduction targets by 2020 within the precision-targeting strategy framework.

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