Palgrave Macmillan Series in Global Public Diplomacy

Diplomatic and Mediated Arguments in the North Korean Crisis

Chronologie aller Bände (1 - 5)

Die Reihenfolge beginnt mit dem Buch "Diplomatic and Mediated Arguments in the North Korean Crisis". Wer alle Bücher der Reihe nach lesen möchte, sollte mit diesem Band von Thomas A. Hollihan beginnen. Der zweite Teil der Reihe "Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy" ist am 09.07.2022 erschienen. Die Reihe umfasst derzeit 5 Bände. Der neueste Band trägt den Titel "American Diplomacy’s Public Dimension".

  • Anzahl der Bewertungen für die gesamte Reihe: 5
  • Ø Bewertung der Reihe: 4.2
  • Start der Reihe: 27.05.2022
  • Neueste Folge: 13.01.2024

Diese Reihenfolge enthält 5 unterschiedliche Autoren.

Cover: Diplomatic and Mediated Arguments in the North Korean Crisis
  • Autor: Hollihan, Thomas A.
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 27.05.2022
  • Genre: Politik

Diplomatic and Mediated Arguments in the North Korean Crisis

This book examines media coverage and public diplomacy regarding the North Korea nuclear controversy, with a focus on the history of military and diplomatic efforts to resolve tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Chapters consider both legacy and social media coverage in the United States, South Korea, Japan, and China, as well as the power of visual images and the role of military and hard power in shaping public understanding and events in the region.


Cover: U.S. Public Diplomacy Towards China
  • Autor: Wu, Di
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 30.06.2022
  • Genre: Politik

U.S. Public Diplomacy Towards China

This book aims to understand public diplomacy by examining its practice. In particular, it focuses on the implementation of educational and exchange programs by the US Departments of State and Defense toward China. Implementation is the focal point of this study and is utilized both as a practical process and a methodology. It refers to the process of translating a public diplomacy policy goal—the specific order given to a governmental institution in order to achieve a general foreign policy objective—into public diplomacy practices and impact. In addition, it refers to a research method that centers implementation and accepts the prerequisite of discretion from studies of policy implementation. This book maps out where and by whom implementation discretion is exercised in public diplomacy. It argues that public diplomacy is in the eye of the beholder, and that its meanings can vary significantly according to different actors.

Cover: Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy
  • Autor: Bravo, Vanessa
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 1
  • Ø Bewertung: 1.0
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 09.07.2022
  • Genre: Politik

Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy

This book on Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy explains and illustrates, through case studies, the different strategic roles that diaspora groups play in modern public diplomacy efforts. These are categorized by being participatory, having a strong involvement of non-state actors, involving frequent partnerships, and placing an increased focus on global issues. In particular, this book provides, in its 13 chapters, the perspective of Latin American diasporas and nations, which are severely underrepresented in the public diplomacy literature. Additionally, because it is written from a strategic communication perspective, this book provides insight into a variety of public diplomacy approaches employed by modern-day diasporas from Latin America. It also describes some examples of diaspora-targeted, state-led public diplomacy efforts in the region. Taking a regional focus to the exploration of diasporas in public diplomacy, this edited book facilitates cross-country comparisons and the understanding of the phenomena beyond the country-specific cases.

Cover: Cultural Diplomacy in Cold War Finland
  • Autor: Clerc, Louis
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 1
  • Ø Bewertung: 5.0
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 15.12.2022
  • Genre: Politik

Cultural Diplomacy in Cold War Finland

This open access book explores the organization and evolution of Finland’s Cold War cultural diplomacy (1945-1975) as the basis for a reflection on the country’s foreign relations, the link between culture and politics, small states’ autonomy during the Cold War, and the porosity of the East-West divide.

The book offers a historical survey of the development of Finland’s cultural diplomacy as part of the Finnish state’s foreign activities. In its empirical parts, it focuses on archives drawn from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education in order to explain Finland’s cultural diplomacy as the result of the country’s foreign policy orientations, interactions between domestic and foreign policy, and the expansion of state activities in the artistic, educational, and cultural sectors. Various reflections and reports on foreign cultural relations highlight the role of identity concerns, cultural relations, geopolitics and economic imperatives in the development of a specifically Finnish cultural diplomacy. Furthermore, the book focuses on specific aspects and events, considering for instance the organization and evolutions of Finland’s cultural relations with the USSR, the role of cultural treaties, academic exchanges and scientific cooperation, “cultural exports” and the marketization of culture, overlaps between cultural relations and high politics.

Cover: American Diplomacy’s Public Dimension
  • Autor: Gregory, Bruce
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 1
  • Ø Bewertung: 5.0
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 13.01.2024
  • Genre: Politik

American Diplomacy’s Public Dimension

This is the first book to frame U. S. public diplomacy in the broad sweep of American diplomatic practice from the early colonial period to the present. It tells the story of how change agents in practitioner communities – foreign service officers, cultural diplomats, broadcasters, citizens, soldiers, covert operatives, democratizers, and presidential aides – revolutionized traditional government-to-government diplomacy and moved diplomacy with the public into the mainstream. This deeply researched study bridges practice and multi-disciplinary scholarship. It challenges the common narrative that U. S. public diplomacy is a Cold War creation that was folded into the State Department in 1999 and briefly found new life after 9/11. It documents historical turning points, analyzes evolving patterns of practice, and examines societal drivers of an American way of diplomacy: a preference for hard power over soft power, episodic commitment to public diplomacy correlated with war and ambition, an information-dominant communication style, and American exceptionalism. It is an account of American diplomacy’s public dimension, the people who shaped it, and the socialization and digitalization that today extends diplomacy well beyond the confines of embassies and foreign ministries.

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