A.U.R.O.R.A. vs. E.L.I.X.A.R. The Duel of Artificial Intelligence

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Cover: A.U.R.O.R.A. vs. E.L.I.X.A.R. The Duel of Artificial Intelligence
  • Autor: Hartmann, Klaus
  • Anzahl Bewertungen: 0
  • Ø Bewertung:
  • Medium: Buch
  • Veröffentlicht: 06.06.2024
  • Genre: Thriller

A.U.R.O.R.A. vs. E.L.I.X.A.R. The Duel of Artificial Intelligence

In the first volume, the quantum computer is invented in Sarah Carter's institute. This is the beginning of new challenges for humanity. Not only positive solutions come from the quantum world. Two artificial intelligences emerge: one, A.U.R.O.R.A., is the positive force. E.L.I.X.A.R., on the other hand, is the negative side. The story begins and it is a firework of fantasy and mysticism.
The reader is led into a world that is very similar to our own.

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