Jem is spending the summer at her Grandpa’s house by Lake Eerie. She quickly makes friends with Nathan. In town, they hear about the competition “Midnight Madness”. To enter the competition, they need to be at least 13 years old and have their own canoe. Jem is 13 and Nathan is 12. Jem will have to race alone, but she doesn’t have a canoe. Her Grandpa has a canoe, but there is no way he will let her use it. They decide to ignore her Grandpa and fix the canoe themselves. But somebody, or something, wants to stop them, because the hole is back again the next day. They fix it again and Jem joins the race. She quickly gets lost in the fog, and as the boat begins to sink, Jem finds that she is not alone...
Kurz bevor sie das Flugzeug nach Melbourne besteigen, wo sie eine ziemlich epische Schulreise antreten wollen, werden Amelia und William mit einer unerwarteten Entwicklung konfrontiert. Es geht um eine verschwundene Truhe mit Münzen, die ein Vermögen wert sind. Diese Entwicklung lässt die beiden während des gesamten 21-stündigen Fluges den Kopf zerbrechen. Sie müssen sich der Herausforderung stellen, schnell denken und ihr Wissen über Melbourne und die australische Geschichte auf die Probe stellen, denn sie sind nicht die einzigen im Flugzeug, die auf derselben Mission sind...
Diese Lektüre ist Teil einer Trilogie:
The Hidden Jewels of London, The Missing Melbourne Coins und The Lost Louisiana Locket.
After the events of last summer, Amelia and William are strictly not allowed to have anything to do with treasure. As soon as they arrive in New Orleans, where they are spending the summer visiting Samantha, Amelia’s aunt, Amelia shows William a crumpled note she has received with a new mission for them. They need to find a missing locket belonging to a certain Lucille LeBlanc. As they read it, they know that they are going to have to break the rules. They also know nothing about New Orleans or Louisiana, which will make hunting very difficult. But where better to start than in the huge library in Samantha’s house…?
This reader is part of a trilogy:
The Hidden Jewels of London, The Missing Melbourne Coins and The Lost Louisiana Locket.