Cover: Cities, Resources and Religion – Economic Implications of Religion in Graeco-Roman Urban Environments
Anna-Katharina Rieger
Cities, Resources and Religion – Economic Implications of Religion in Graeco-Roman Urban Environments
- Panel 7.7
ISBN: 978-3-969-29081-1
70 Seiten | € 21.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Anna-Katharina Rieger

Cities, Resources and Religion – Economic Implications of Religion in Graeco-Roman Urban Environments

Panel 7.7

City and religion as subjects of archaeological research in the Mediterranean are often limited to sacred buildings within the spatial and social fabric of the city. However, specific urban factors such as the concentration of economic potential, control of financial resources, but also heterogeneous populations, marginalization, and power imbalances impact religious practices and their reflections in material culture.
The contributions in this volume discuss how economic characteristics of urbanity are reflected in institutional, medial, and performative expressions of religion(s) in cities of Italy and Asia Minor. These interactions are not only of interest for Greco-Roman antiquity, but are relevant in our modern world of globalized markets: With the concentration of economic power the potential for tensions and religious conflicts increases as rapidly as cities grow.

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Veröffentlichung: 06.07.2022
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 28 cm / B 21 cm / 260 g
Seiten 70
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 21.90
Preis AT EUR 22.60
Reihe Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World 40
ISBN-13 978-3-969-29081-1
ISBN-10 3969290813

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