Cover: ART and the MIND – Ernst H. GOMBRICH
Georg Vasold
ART and the MIND – Ernst H. GOMBRICH
- Mit dem Steckenpferd unterwegs
ISBN: 978-3-847-10794-1
442 Seiten | € 65.00
Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Georg Vasold

ART and the MIND – Ernst H. GOMBRICH

Mit dem Steckenpferd unterwegs

Ernst H. Gombrich, the Art Historian, master of both Continental thought and English language, became one of the world’s most well-known representatives of the discipline. Half a century ago his testable theories transformed thinking on how to look at art. After only a few years during which semiotics appeared to render Sir Ernst’s common-sense framework outdated, the rise of cognitive approaches has enabled him to recover internationally the status he once had in France as a radical thinker within modern philosophy. This book explores Gombrich’s intellectual legacy by analysing some of the concepts and insights in the context of Image Science, the “Steckenpferd”. The international contributors are original authorities in their own right, among them some of Gombrich’s former students.

Vasold, Georg
V&R unipress

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Veröffentlichung: 19.02.2018
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 23,7 cm / B 16 cm / 767 g
Seiten 442
Art des Mediums Buch [Gebundenes Buch]
Preis DE EUR 65.00
Preis AT EUR 67.00
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-847-10794-1
ISBN-10 3847107941

Über den Autor

Prof. Dr. Sybille Moser-Ernst lehrt Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Innsbruck. Sie war Post-Doc-Schülerin von Sir Ernst H. Gombrich am Warburg-Institut der Universität London.

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