Cover: Funding Journalism in the Digital Age
Jeff Kaye
Funding Journalism in the Digital Age
- Business Models, Strategies, Issues and Trends
ISBN: 978-1-433-10678-1
0 Seiten | € 116.40
Jeff Kaye

Funding Journalism in the Digital Age

Business Models, Strategies, Issues and Trends

4.7/5.00 bei 5 Reviews - aus dem Web

The news media play a vital role in keeping the public informed and maintaining democratic processes. But that essential function has come under threat as emerging technologies and changing social trends, sped up by global economic turmoil, have disrupted traditional business models and practices, creating a financial crisis. Quality journalism is expensive to produce – so how will it survive as current sources of revenue shrink? Funding Journalism in the Digital Age not only explores the current challenges, but also provides a comprehensive look at business models and strategies that could sustain the news industry as it makes the transition from print and broadcast distribution to primarily digital platforms. The authors bring widespread international journalism experience to provide a global perspective on how news organizations are evolving, investigating innovative commercial projects in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, South Korea, Singapore and elsewhere.

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Veröffentlichung: 09.03.2010
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21 cm / B 14,8 cm / 460 g
Art des Mediums Buch
Preis DE EUR 116.40
Preis AT EUR 119.70
ISBN-13 978-1-433-10678-1
ISBN-10 1433106787

Über den Autor

The Authors: Jeff Kaye is a journalist, media consultant and academic and has extensive experience working in the U.S., Great Britain and Europe. He has worked as a correspondent for the Los Angeles Times in the U.S. and U.K. and the San Jose Mercury News in Silicon Valley. He was a feature writer and columnist in the L.A. bureau of TV Guide magazine and was the London-based European Editor of the entertainment industry bible The Hollywood Reporter. Kaye also spent a year as a freelance writer in Paris, edited a computer games magazine and was Head of Content for consumer websites at British Telecom and World Online. Kaye also lectured in print and digital journalism at the University of London before relocating to New York in 2009. He is an Associate in the Journalism Leaders Program at the University of Central Lancashire in England and has taught journalism at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has a B.A. in journalism from San Francisco State University and an MSc in E-Commerce from the University of London, Birkbeck College, where he focused on commercial strategies for digital content.
Stephen Quinn is an associate professor of journalism at Deakin University in Australia. Before becoming a university educator in 1996 Dr. Quinn spent two decades with some of the world’s best media companies, including BBC-TV, The Guardian, ITN, TVNZ, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. He also worked for a range of newspapers in Australia and south-east Asia. This is his fourteenth book. Dr. Quinn’s other books with Peter Lang include Convergent Journalism: The Fundamentals of Multimedia Reporting and Conversations on Convergence: Insiders’ Views of Twenty-first Century News Production. Dr. Quinn is a regular contributor to the Innovations in Newspapers annual reports published by Innovation International for the World Association of Newspapers. He also consults for news organizations and is a frequent speaker at international journalism conferences. Between 2000 and 2009 he presented academic papers at more than 150 seminars in 27 countries and trained journalists in eight countries.

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