Cover: PSA 1974
Robert S. Cohen
PSA 1974
- Proceedings of the 1974 Biennial Meeting Philosophy of Science Association
ISBN: 978-9-401-01449-6
747 Seiten | € 53.49
E-Book [Kindle]
Robert S. Cohen

PSA 1974

Proceedings of the 1974 Biennial Meeting Philosophy of Science Association

For this book, we have selected papers from symposia and contributed sessions at the fourth biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, held at the University of Notre Dame on November 1-3, 1974. The meeting was lively and well-attended, and we regret that there was no way to record here the many stimulating discussions after the papers and during the informal hours. We also regret that we had in sufficient space for all the contributed papers. Even more, some of the symposia were not available: those on systems and decision theory (c. W. Churchman, P. Suppes, I. Levi), and on the Marxist philosophy of science (M. W. Wartofsky, R. S. Cohen, E. N. Hiebert). Unhappily several individual contributions to other symposia were likewise not available: I. Velikovsky in the session on his own work and the politics of science, D. Finkelstein in the session on quantum logic. Memorial minutes were read for Alan Ross Anderson (prepared by Nuel Belnap) and for Imre Lakatos (prepared by Paul Feyerabend). They initiate this volume of philosophy of science in the mid-seventies.

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Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2012
Seiten 747
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 53.49
Preis AT EUR 55.00
Reihe Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32
ISBN-13 978-9-401-01449-6

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