Cover: The Book of Job
Leora / Pardes Batnitzky
The Book of Job
- Aesthetics, Ethics, Hermeneutics
ISBN: 978-3-110-33383-1
Seiten | € 99.95
Leora / Pardes Batnitzky

The Book of Job

Aesthetics, Ethics, Hermeneutics

The Book of Job has held a central role in defining the project of modernity from the age of Enlightenment until today. The Book of Job: Aesthetics, Ethics and Hermeneutics offers new perspectives on the ways in which Job’s response to disaster has become an aesthetic and ethical touchstone for modern reflections on catastrophic events. This volume begins with an exploration of questions such as the tragic and ironic bent of the Book of Job, Job as mourner, and theJoban body in pain, and ends with a consideration of Joban works by notable writers – from Melville and Kafka, through Joseph Roth, Zach, Levin, and Philip Roth.

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