Cover: La Verdad Oculta
Jade Romano
La Verdad Oculta
- Una abogada determinada, un asesinato impactante, una familia poderosa: un thriller legal lleno de tensión y suspenso
ISBN: 978-3-384-23381-3
88 Seiten | € 19.49
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Jade Romano

La Verdad Oculta

Una abogada determinada, un asesinato impactante, una familia poderosa: un thriller legal lleno de tensión y suspenso

"La Verdad Oculta", de Jade Romano, es un thriller legal sobrecogedor que te mantendrá pegado a las páginas hasta la última palabra.
La abogada Emily Parker se enfrenta al caso más difícil de su carrera: defender a Nathan Falco, acusado del asesinato de Sophia Blackwood.
La cobertura mediática del caso es implacable y la opinión pública está fuertemente en contra de Nathan, pero Emily está decidida a descubrir la verdad y luchar por la justicia.
A medida que se sumerge en las pruebas del caso, Emily empieza a sospechar que hay algo más profundo detrás del asesinato de Sophia, y que la poderosa familia Blackwood puede estar implicada.
Con una escritura apasionante y llena de tensión, "La verdad oculta" te llevará en un emocionante viaje a través del mundo de la ley, el poder y la corrupción mientras Emily intenta descubrir la verdad sobre la muerte de Sophia y desenterrar los secretos más oscuros de la familia Blackwood.
Si te gustan los thrillers jurídicos, las historias de investigación y los misterios apasionantes, "La Verdad Oculta" es tu libro.

Romano, Jade

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Veröffentlichung: 19.05.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 29,7 cm / B 21 cm / 278 g
Seiten 88
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 19.49
Preis AT EUR 19.49
ISBN-13 978-3-384-23381-3
ISBN-10 3384233816

Über den Autor

Jade Romano is an emerging author in the American literary scene, known for her captivating and thrilling writing style. Born and raised in the United States, Jade has always had a great passion for reading and writing, since she was a child.

After graduating in English Literature, Jade began working as a journalist, dealing with book reviews and interviews with emerging authors. But her true passion remained writing, and so she decided to devote herself to the writing of thriller stories.

Her first book, a thriller novel entitled "The Hidden Truth", was published recently and was an immediate success with both the public and the critics. The book is characterized by a gripping and surprising plot, and by complex and multifaceted characters.

Jade Romano is considered one of the most promising authors of the American thriller scene, and her stories are appreciated by readers for their ability to keep them glued to the pages until the last line. In addition to writing, Jade also dedicates herself to the teaching of creative writing, holding courses and workshops for aspiring writers.

Her writing, characterized by a fluid and captivating style, is able to create dark and unsettling atmospheres, but also to give moments of great tension and suspense. Although she is still at the beginning of her career, Jade Romano has already shown that she has a great talent and a great passion for writing, and we are sure that we will hear a lot about her in the future.

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